Saturday, December 9, 2023

haikuNetra ISSUE 1.4


Editor's Note

We received a bulk load of submissions for the fourth Issue. Each haikuist has submitted his or her best for this Issue. It was a tough job carrying out the selection process. Rejections were less this time compared to the last three Issues. Thanks to Sayantani Roy for providing such a beautiful cover art. In its three-month journey, haikuNetra has received a lot of love from the haiku fraternity. We have published some of the finest poets out there. We take immense pride in announcing that haikuNetra has sent about 20 nominations for the Touchstone Award from its last three Issues. We are planning to introduce some new genres and activities in the upcoming year, 2024. We won't be bringing out any Issue in the month of January. The submission details for ISSUE 1.5 have been updated in the submission guidelines at the end of this blog. We expect you to show the same amount of love and send us the best of haiku and senryu for the subsequent Issues as well. Wishing you all a happy and prosperous NEW YEAR in advance. 

– Daipayan Nair, Editor  

haikuChitra - The Haiga Gallery

haikuNetra will be introducing haiga art and shahai from its next ISSUE 1.5 onwards. The journal looks forward to receiving submissions of thought-provoking artworks, paintings incorporated with Japanese aesthetics and photographs. To give you an idea of what we are expecting, here's a haiga submitted by Elliot Diamond: 

haikuManthan - The Commentary

the dragonfly's glint
so many neighbourhood cats
pad around us

                      Alan Summers


all feathers & typos
the threatened kingdom
of myself

                           Alan Summers

Alan Summers demonstrates versatility, writing superbly in both traditional and modern styles. The first haiku is the more traditional of the two. “dragonfly” is an autumn kigo, since dragonflies were traditionally considered to be at their most beautiful during this season. Alan, with a true poet’s eye, focuses on a specific aspect of the dragonfly’s beauty, the “glint.” The dragonfly’s iridescence shines, as it were, on the rest of the poem. The poet, the neighbourhood, and its many cats are contextualized, through the juxtaposition of images, with the glint of the dragonfly. The overall impression might be akin to magical realism. Conversely, in the context of the poet’s feline friends, the dragonfly becomes another neighbour. The haiku’s disparate images achieve an overall harmony between the human and nonhuman, between the urban and the natural. We can see the toriawase as all of the images fit together in an expression of harmony.

The last words of the haiku suggest that the reader too is part of the neighbourhood: “so many neighbourhood cats/pad around us.” The ambiguity of “us” gives the reader space to imagine himself walking with the poet. The reader’s involvement is facilitated by the haiku’s clarity and simplicity so that she can comprehend the scene with the poet’s own immediacy.

The second of Alan’s two haiku is, in some sense, a mirror image of the first. While the first verse shows us the world around the poet, the second reveals the world inside him, “the threatened kingdom / of myself.” The phrase, from my standpoint, reflects modern haiku’s focus on the poet’s interiority. The fragment, “all feathers & typos,” is composed of images that are not necessarily drawn from the poet’s immediate sense impressions. It’s not as if the poet were in a bird sanctuary, typing. The images of the second verse could easily be drawn from memories of different times and places. Perhaps the poet has combined the images purposefully, like words in a sentence, to express personal symbolism.

Modern haiku and the classic tradition are alike in this sense: They invite the reader to piece the images together. In both of Alan’s poems, the fragment and the phrase contextualize each other. What light does “all feathers & typos” shed on “the threatened kingdom / of myself”? From my standpoint, the juxtaposition suggests that the threats to the self are not as great as the poet imagines --- that they amount to feathers and typos. The poet, with gentle humour, is chiding himself for his fears. Alan’s two verses demonstrate how images can be orchestrated to reflect the outer world or the inner world. In doing so, he demonstrates the differences between the traditional and the modern schools, as well as the continuity between them.

– Lev Hart, Co-Editor 

haikuRatna - Editor's Pick

distant horizon
a dragon cloud watches
over the mountains

            Adjei Agyei-Baah

long meeting
my diary fills
with senryu


bitter grapefruit sweet memories of grandma

           Timothy Daly

whispering waves . . .
Chinese lanterns float
between the dunes

           Kathleen Trocmet

mourning dove
today, mother knows
who I am

          Debbie Strange

reflecting Buddha
Buddha reflecting stars

          Roberta Beach Jacobson

crescent earth
the moon colonist
writes home

          Pat Davis

        porch glider
        slowing down

         Barrie Levine

shiver of grasses the priest calls my name

          Marilyn Ashbaugh

on the garden's edge —
trial separation

          Kelly Sargent

winter rain
a duckling sleeps like you—

           Neena Singh

plunging over
the cliff's edge
a blue wind

           Mark Gilbert

traveling light
i carry
your ashes

          Alvin B. Cruz

field mouse
the elliptical twist
of the owl's head

          Jay Friedenberg

the slow swell
of a toad's throat...

         Suraja Menon Roychowdhury

cuckoo's song
       in crescendo...
the tiger
       there, not here

          Amoolya Kamalnath

one more time
over the reaped fields
sickle moon

          Bryan Rickert

haikuPrakash - The Enlightenment

apple blossom
the sweet drift
of Dad's memory

          Marilyn Ward

waning moon
the perfume in his hair
not mine

          Adele Evershed

shopping centre
a crying toddler
sits on Santa's lap

          Tuyet Van Do

her dream
for her daughter

          Amita Paul

first snowflakes...
my pot of basil
full of blossoms 

          Steliana Voicu

treasure hunt
in the old cauldron
autumn leaves

           Ana Drobot

temple visit . . .
memories of tamarind rice
in both hands

           Lakshmi Iyer

rain drops...
the decision to end up
with an ellipsis...

          Suzanne Leaf-Brock

wildfire smoke
drifting through the exhaust vent
dove's coo

           Michelle V. Alkerton

holding his photo

            Peter Shipman

leaves fall
upon the lake . . .

           Daniela Misso

lost pacifier
teaching my nephew
to let go

           Hassane Zemmouri

shhh... says my journey in a conch shell

            Sharon Ferrante

last breath-

            Nicoletta Ignatti

frosty night—
a bowl of dog food
for our fox

           Ruth Holzer

floating freely
a rock

           Richard Bailly

light rain
a homeless man keeping
the park bench dry

            Joseph P. Wechselberger

cemetery walkers
sometimes they talk
to the living

            Randy Brooks

this cold night
my late teacher

            Timothy Daly

drops of sunlight ...
leaping up the waterfall
pink salmon

             Chen-ou Liu


t h e   a  n  k  l  e  t

her smile

            Nalani De Silva

in the quiet
of my solitude

           Natalia Kuznetsova

evening stroll...
one-by-one the scents
of different dinners

           Tony Williams

autumn begins this one grackle morning

            Bryan Rickert

snow-clad lake
pine shadows growing
taller, shorter

            Debbie Strange

his last cigarette -
the uncertainty
of the patio light

            Simon De Courcey

finding myself
in a field of butterflies
surgeon's ceiling

            Roberta Beach Jacobson

cinnamon tea
warming up
to winter

            Marjolein Rotsteeg

refugee camp
the sinner who died
a saint

            Pat Davis

narrowing river...
this smallness
when compared

            Nitu Yumnam

cocooned robes
with beads and prayers
bodhi sunrise

             Elliot Diamond

slow dawn
the hills awaken
sunbird by sunbird

             Rupa Anand

bamboo rake—
last year's autumn
tangled in the tines

             Barrie Levine

no map
i trust the sand
under my feet

           Isabella Mori

fleeing war tears swept dry wind river

           Marilyn Ashbaugh

forest walk
the sibilant whispers
of lost souls

           Marilyn Humbert

dappled sunlight
in the cuckoo's cry
my beloved's name

            Arvinder Kaur

tall weeds
an oriole nest fallen
from the palm

            Cynthia Anderson

northern mockingbird
at daybreak —
her morning mantra

            Kelly Sargent

the young are noisy
harried parents
fluttering above

             Jerome Berglund

in my cloud boat
I sail

             K. G. Munro

typo? this is my true porpoise

             Susan Burch

yellowed leaves
the breeze flutters
light and shade

              Neena Singh

December wind —
mom's new
Betty Davis voice

             Robert Epstein

reopening the cabin...
the mildew scent
of mice

             Allison Douglas-Tourner

how to draw
wind in the pines —
art class

              Mona Bedi

balanced on a pin
   upside down

              Mark Gilbert

winter moon
the river's skin

             Goran Gatalica

bitter morning
a caged parrot
breaks the ice

             Sue Courtney

the way the wind
rearranges me

             Barbara Sabol

on the welcome mat
looking for home

             Scott Wiggerman

a leaf on a stream
the traveling poet
leaves no trace

             Alvin B. Cruz

giving one pause caesura

             Peter Jastermsky

herbal tea—
turning over
a new leaf

             Shane Coppage

swirling autumn leaf
a spaniel watches
her owner

             Ella Aboutboul

back to the beginning a quiet christmas

              Shizuku Tsukino

walking cane —
father sweeps garbage
off mother's grave

             Kumudini Mendis

what kind of ancestor
will I be?

              Julie Schwerin

winter sunrise
frost sparkling on the fur
of fighting jackals

              Judit Hollos

borderless birdsong

              Lorelyn Arevalo

school play —
amongst the noisy trees
a quiet lion

             Baisali Chatterjee Dutt

after rain...
the two friends
               no longer friends

             Amoolya Kamalnath

he grieves
for one who still breathes

              Dominic Willis

crescent moon
vanishes at dawn
the last dream

              Giuliana Ravaglia

shivering in the bunker
a child asks
what is war

              Padma Rajeswari

the outbreak
of break-ins
at her place

               Kathabela Wilson

winter thaw...
flower pots slowly fill
with stars

                Suraja Menon Roychowdhury

spotted butterfly ...
counting these flaws
in a changing me

                  Vani Sathyanarayan

winter rain
the niece paints
a still life

               Mircea Moldovan

temple bells
the forest still

          Padmasiri Jayathilaka

haikuDrishti - The Observation

snow day -
classroom learning goes down
a slippery slope

              Bonnie J Scherer

mom's necklace
I tiptoe towards
the stars

              Stephanie Zepherelli

moving train
school children wearing
hi-vis jackets

               Tuyet Van Do

they appear
they disappear -

              Antonio Mangiameli

city rubble
the child wears
a welcome mat

              Dennis Andrew S. Aguinaldo

Christmas of yore...
she shakes the snow globe
to make a wish

              Steliana Voicu

an old vagrant
chewing her roti . . .
the waning moon

              Suraj Nanu

my ID scanning—
the security agent
nods his head

              Suzanne Leaf-Brock

doctor's office -
a bitten apple
in every selfie

             Ana Drobot

autumn in Gaza
—leaves of grenade
rustle in the wind

              Nket Godwin

winter evening
aroma of corn kernels pops
our giggles

               Lakshmi Iyer

a black olive
between my fingers
autumn sun

                Daniela Misso

the child caressing a dandelion
bee sting

                 Hassane Zemmouri

bumpy road
even the moon
is shaking


so caressing
his smile...
forest moss

               Nicoletta Ignatti

the mound of snow
bounds away—
Arctic hare

              Ruth Holzer

a river
full of horns

             Shamik Banerjee

the S-curve
of a flamingo's neck

              Joseph P. Wechselberger

the live birth guppies
her baby voice

              Randy Brooks

blue afternoon
the wilted woman
waits for the bus

              Timothy Daly

anniversary dinner
the click, click
of our chopsticks

               Chen-ou Liu

falling for you low-hanging lemons

                 Jackie Chou

slipping off
her wrinkled kimono . . .
the end of a long night

                Kathleen Trocmet

rain drops
on the water hyacinths
afternoon tea

               Susan Farner

rusty cowbell
near a muddy field
the farmer's suicide

               David Roberts

winter wedding
the rush
at carrot halwa stove

               Govind Joshi

ant column...
a dung beetle
pauses its roll

              Adjei Agyei-Baah

bus station
a kid and I kicking feet
out of time

              Tony Williams

trade wind
on the cruising boat
a rain of kapok

               Christina Chin

old underwear
in the spin cycle
autumn leaves

               John Hawkhead

origami cranes
offered to the river . . .
a silent protest

              Debbie Strange

half a word -
fingerprints on
early pottery

               Simon De Courcey

with a tap from one war to the next

                 Roberta Beach Jacobson

my wish to feel
whole again

               Marjolein Rotsteeg

life rushes by a series of stills

                 Margaret Walker

piano keys
her crippled hands

                 Pat Davis

poppies unfold
to the marine
safely home

               Elliot Diamond

in a boat
a freshly married couple
bobbing up and down

               Guido De Pelsmaeker

family time
soup simmering
on the stove

               Sharon Martina

clothesline carousel
grandma spins her stories
out of thin air

                Barrie Levine

grief and relief
dragonflies chase each other
across the water

               Matt Robison

perfect pitch
the slant of sun
through pines

              John Pappas

zen pond by the intersection a thousand sunken swearwords

               Isabella Mori

crooked cocktail hat
her tone sharpens
as her husband nears

                Joshua St. Claire

red grapevine
on the old window
dawn sun

                Angiola Inglese

at the supermarket
cheese out of reach
of my four foot self

               Bernadette O'Reilly

patrolling the park perimeter a kookaburra

                                 Marilyn Humbert

dad's death anniversary
I gather falling leaves
in my shawl

                 Arvinder Kaur

in the tumbling bottle
no love letter

                 Pris Campbell

street dog
carrying storm light
into the shadows

                Joanna Ashwell

night life mouse scat by the doormat

                Cynthia Anderson

hearts on the wall -
her little hands draw the 'v'
then an 'm' on top

                 Gillena Cox

ebbing tide . . .
kid puts the thumb
back in the mouth

                 Aparna Pathak

moonlit glen
the shadows
of his half-truths

                  Kelly Sargent

in the sidewalk
trash and vegetation
fill in the blanks

                 Jerome Berglund

tired mind
breaks as the snow
pours again

                K.G. Munro

I throw a pebble
time ripples
to the other shore

              Melissa Dennison

jagged glass
what if I'm just

               Susan Burch

silver coins
in a tight fist
grandmother night

                Robert Witmer

torn love letter
she walks over
the confetti

                Nalini Shetty

winter paddy
silhouettes still bent
at day's end

                 Neena Singh

straw flowers
I pick up from the ground
today's silence

                 Giuliana Ravaglia

past her bedtime
my niece wants to know
where fireflies sleep

                 Robert Epstein

majestic stripes
move with stealth
the hunters

                 Sue Wood

loss of memories
the road traveled
full of leaves

                Carmela Marino

west winds settle
me next to  the oleander
alight with bees

                 Laurie Kuntz

the cricket that
didn't exist ...
flashlight blink

                Allison Douglas-Tourner

she tries out
her new bathing suit
the scent of salt air

                 Anne Curran

squeezing out
the left-over toothpaste —
relationship woes

                 Mona Bedi

into the fountain
the last leaf falls -
too soft to break the sun

                  Deborah A. Bennett

a wash of yellow
on the trees

                  Mike Gallagher

orange blossoms
slow circling to land
a swallowtail

                  Jharna Sanyal

the lost legal papers fog everywhere

                  Bidyutprabha Gantayat

cold moon —
untrained fingers
slicing a radish

                 Genevieve S. Aguinaldo

red ants race
on the black fence

                 Rituraj Gogoi

medlar in bloom -
the discreet piling up
of leaves and leaves

                  Maria Teresa Sisti

all the stars
shimmering at once
black starling

                  Colette Kern

a raindrop
            in my bucket
a rainbow

                   Jan Stretch

gloomy porch...
the gleam of rain drops
on the clothesline 

                   K. Ramesh

my mum
finishing my sentence
for me

                  Mark Gilbert

the fish slipped
a fisherman slipped

                  Titilayo Matiku

primer -
little boy scratching
his head

                  Krzysztof Kokot

like a snail
this clock

           Kalyanee Arandhara

deep autumn —
a marmalade jar rotten
with baby teeth

                  Goran Gatalica

garden pond
a willow scripts
mallard sounds

                  Richard L Matta

first date
the bass tones
in his laugh

               Sue Courtney

evening mist
the becoming
of a moon

                Bhawana Rathore

first frost
the shrinking universe
of the puddle

                 Francoise Maurice

monsoon shower
a frockless lass with plantain leaf
as headgear

                     Bipasha Majumder (De)

sweetgrass tips
towards the shadowed bench
come, sit

                       Barbara Sabol

the miles we've drifted river flow

                        Scott Wiggerman

empty house
the shades
of Eucalyptus

            Padma Rajeswari

the loved ones we leave crying cicadas

                       Alvin B. Cruz

her telescope scans
the darkness

               Lorraine Carey

cardiac ward
the irregular beat
of my flip-flops

                    Marianne Paul

some tourists
pose for a picture
war protests

               M. R. Defibaugh

shifting weather
     a cool wind spins
the porch umbrella

                   Eavonka Ettinger

eating snow
the sniper calls 
his rifle baby

             Myron Lysenko

holding her breath a child's last balloon

                     Peter Jastermsky

all we do
is fight—
troll farm

          Shane Coppage

tiny ruler
from Grandpa's pocket
the length of his smile

                Kimberly Kuchar

tea with milk
mom always wanted
to know

                Ella Aboutboul

red leaves on a bare tree shadow

                  Shizuku Tsukino

sushi bar aquarium
the octopus and I
plotting our escapes

                  Mike Fainzilber

clattering rocks
the delicate dance
of an ibex

                  Jay Friedenberg

fresh chrysanthemums
my old mom's disheveled hair
in the morning

                  Nazarena Rampini

at the dining table
of daughter's doll house
oh...! another mother

                  Kumuduni Mendis


                 Julie Schwerin

stretching out
the word patience . . .
mountain stream

                 C. X. Turner

rainy day -
only one umbrella stops
by the forsythia

                   Tomislav Maretic

mirrored sea
a red-haired girl skips
the tideline

                   Ron C. Moss

war night
the dreamcatcher's net
heavy with moonbeams

                Judit Hollos

morning fog

               Lorelyn Arevalo

winter chill
gran exhales
all her summers

              Baisali Chatterjee Dutt

uninvited guest
all the shrimps in the aquarium

                  Amoolya Kamalnath

mancala -
my parents sort medicines
into pill boxes

                 Gordon Gearhart 

the clink
in your glass
snow moon

           B. L. Bruce

haikuJyoti - The Third Eye

sun-bleached photos
my grandparents fade
into each other

                 Gordon Gearhart

winter evening still on the trail of the cowherd's cow

                   Amoolya Kamalnath

phantom pain
he loves me
he loves me not

                 Lorelyn Arevalo

dissipating spirals
of a double helix

                Suraja Menon Roychowdhury

fossilized footprint
      coming back to me
on the peak

                  Kathabela Wilson

change of tide
a horseshoe crab's telson
flips over the sun

                  Judit Hollos

moon-bleached wind this night becoming

                   Ron C. Moss

star gazing
the lingering scent
of jasmine

                Naomi G. Tangonan

our local beggar
also on the train

                  Tomislav Maretic

pulling it to the grave
the heaviness
of a secret

                Elizabeth Crocket

winter blizzard
feathers of rooks
turn white

                 Malgorzata Formanowska

half-empty Old Spice
the scent
of his absent presence

                  Baisali Chatterjee Dutt

tree split—
the longer nights
spent alone

                  C. X. Turner





                Julie Schwerin

needle eye
smaller than it used to be?
asks grandma

                   Kumuduni Mendis

long pause -
the breath of trees
under the snow

                  Nazarena Rampini

simmering magma
the viscosity
of her anger

                  Jay Friedenberg

snail at the dojo gate
it also follows
the Way

                Mike Fainzilber

winter blues
wave after wave
of "we should've..."

                  Shizuku Tsukino

hunter's moon
fishing for bigger
than life

                Ella Aboutboul

where ducks were nesting
wild violets

                 Maya Daneva

leaf pile
grandad and grandson
scatter the years

                 Kimberly Kuchar

until it isn't     peace

                   Shane Coppage

heated moments consulting a new dragon

                    Peter Jastermsky

the rise
and fall of oligarchs...
spring clean

                     Myron Lysenko

winter sun
mosquito bites
still not healed

                   Eavonka Ettinger

she lights the candle with the light from another prayer

                      M. R. Defibaugh

midnight doomscrolling
the deep space
between snowflakes

                      Marianne Paul

flowering cacti
grown-ups remember
prickly aunts

                     Lorraine Carey

fresh sushi
on mikawachi yaki
blue bamboo forest

                 Rob McKinnon

letter from home
opening the jars
of spices

                 Alvin B. Cruz

white noise
wings of egrets
over the ice

                   Scott Wiggerman

the ceiling fan's
rhythmic pulse
missyou   missyou   missyou

                    Barbara Sabol

the end
of a five-year war . . .
cancer free
        Valentina Ranaldi-Adams

everything far away
shines through
autumn mist

     Anna Maria Domburg-Sancristoforo

tentative snowfall
dreams of festivity
rise early for work

                  DJ Tyrer

deep autumn
the black and white of magpies
shake the light

                    Francoise Maurice

river sound
the 'I' in me
slowly dissolves

                  Bhawana Rathore

hoar frost
the way he rolls
his Rs

                 Sue Courtney

coming my way
romance and money...
today's horoscope

                  Wanda Amos

crackle of leaves
one more broken vein
in his outstretched hand

                   Richard L Matta

one family
divides the rays
of the sun

                  Zvonko Jurcevic

ongoing war —
my mouth
full of ash

               Goran Gatalica

night of fireflies
I need
to cheer up

               Kalyanee Arandhara

Venus in the sky -
a baby has finished suckling
mother's breast

                 Krzysztof Kokot

between the rainbow
and the child
a dancing kite

                 Padmasiri Jayathilaka

a lifetime of memories
monarch butterflies

                 Douglas J. Lanzo

rushing motion
an egg rolls towards
the precipice

                 Mark Gilbert

fading evening light...
the munia returns with
a grass blade

                 K. Ramesh

unknown gravesite
Japanese maple

                 Diane Funston

relief in the silence of a siren

                  Jan Stretch

time grows old -
the autumn wind
never the same

                  Maria Teresa Sisti

first light
from behind the pines
the hens wake

                    B. L. Bruce

a butcher swats  flies

                  Genevieve S. Aguinaldo

eye donation
looking for mom
in her

             Bidyutprabha Gantayat

toothless gums
the smell of clove
in gran's pillow

                Jharna Sanyal

the bush shakes
at the waterfront...
morning glory

               Thomas Landgraf

no destination
never lost -
blackbirds in the field

               Deborah A. Bennett

to lower my standards
writer's block

               Mona Bedi

would-be suitor
whispers sweet nothings
into the breeze

                Anne Curran

sticks and bones
Raven's building pile

                Allison Douglas-Tourner

appear and disappear
mountain ash

                Wieslaw Karlinski

dogs howl
at the rainbow
caught inside a squall

               Laurie Kuntz

stone moon
the shadow of a secret
remains afloat

                Carmela Marino

ornate jewels
light the forest path

                 Sue Wood

pink slip —
I need the shelter
of another pine

                Robert Epstein

tanabeta -
the words never said
to the stars

                 Giuliana Ravaglia

a shooting star
we wish for love
fortieth anniversary

                 Neena Singh

a lullaby held back
in a flash

                  Nalini Shetty

on the windowsill
a schoolboy writes her name 

                  Robert Witmer

I guess
we are

            Susan Burch

winter flock
for the tree's welcome

               Melissa Dennison

Santa Claus
eats just one cookie

               K.G. Munro

daddy long-legs
and mama long-legs:
power couple

                    Jerome Berglund

warm sunshine
songs of yesteryears
oiling the ears

                 Hla Yin Mon

midwinter kisses
in the driveway
breath on breath

                  Kelly Sargent

trial separation
his handwriting
begins  to slant

                  Aparna Pathak

the dendrobium
loses another flower
autumn chill

                    Alfred Booth

without a moon
bulldog wind

                 Cynthia Anderson

retirement home-
grandmother takes care
of one's appearance

                  Angela Giordano

broken sails
cast adrift
without you

               Joanna Ashwell

slumber party
my dead friends once dreamed
of endless futures

               Pris Campbell

kohl smudges
a lonely smoke cloud
near the crescent

                Arvinder Kaur

shadows lengthen
the gaggle of school kids
emerge into sunshine

                  Marilyn Humbert

the clarity
in the sky

            Angiola Inglese

object permanence
my son doodles
his uncle's wheelchair

                   Joshua St. Claire

stirring matcha sea gulls circle in my bowl

                  Marilyn Ashbaugh

your voice in my head . . .
as swallows
fly south

                  Sarah Das Gupta

clouded saffron
she pulls her sari
out of the puddle 

                     Isabella Mori

by crow
night falls

                 John Pappas

on a pink post-it
on the refrigerator
his death poem

                   Mark Meyer

the moon
through willow leaves
one leopard frog

                   Matt Robison

harvest fair
the chestnut cart returns
with my childhood 

                    Barrie Levine

second summer followed by a semicolon

                      Sharon Martina

grandpa uncorks
a bottle of wine -
the plop

            Guido De Pelsmaeker

with each turn
of a prayer bead

             Rupa Anand

to where the dove can fly

                     Elliot Diamond

custard apple seeds
close yet distant
roots of family

                   Nitu Yumnam

when no one remembers when

                   Margaret Walker

the country lane
war cemeteries

                Marjolein Rotsteeg

feeling the drips watercolor sky

                       Roberta Beach Jacobson

prognosis in print -
his annual walk
to the headland

                 Simon De Courcey

hydroponic garden
every strawberry
a lantern

                Debbie Strange

working through grief
so many shades of black
in crow feathers

                     John Hawkhead

ice thick enough
to slide this stone

                     Bryan Rickert
