Editor's Note
We received a bulk load of submissions for the fourth Issue. Each haikuist has submitted his or her best for this Issue. It was a tough job carrying out the selection process. Rejections were less this time compared to the last three Issues. Thanks to Sayantani Roy for providing such a beautiful cover art. In its three-month journey, haikuNetra has received a lot of love from the haiku fraternity. We have published some of the finest poets out there. We take immense pride in announcing that haikuNetra has sent about 20 nominations for the Touchstone Award from its last three Issues. We are planning to introduce some new genres and activities in the upcoming year, 2024. We won't be bringing out any Issue in the month of January. The submission details for ISSUE 1.5 have been updated in the submission guidelines at the end of this blog. We expect you to show the same amount of love and send us the best of haiku and senryu for the subsequent Issues as well. Wishing you all a happy and prosperous NEW YEAR in advance.
– Daipayan Nair, Editor
haikuChitra - The Haiga Gallery
haikuNetra will be introducing haiga art and shahai from its next ISSUE 1.5 onwards. The journal looks forward to receiving submissions of thought-provoking artworks, paintings incorporated with Japanese aesthetics and photographs. To give you an idea of what we are expecting, here's a haiga submitted by Elliot Diamond:
haikuManthan - The Commentary
the dragonfly's glint
so many neighbourhood cats
pad around us
Alan Summers
all feathers & typos
the threatened kingdom
of myself
Alan Summers
Alan Summers demonstrates versatility, writing superbly in both traditional and modern styles. The first haiku is the more traditional of the two. “dragonfly” is an autumn kigo, since dragonflies were traditionally considered to be at their most beautiful during this season. Alan, with a true poet’s eye, focuses on a specific aspect of the dragonfly’s beauty, the “glint.” The dragonfly’s iridescence shines, as it were, on the rest of the poem. The poet, the neighbourhood, and its many cats are contextualized, through the juxtaposition of images, with the glint of the dragonfly. The overall impression might be akin to magical realism. Conversely, in the context of the poet’s feline friends, the dragonfly becomes another neighbour. The haiku’s disparate images achieve an overall harmony between the human and nonhuman, between the urban and the natural. We can see the toriawase as all of the images fit together in an expression of harmony.
The last words of the haiku suggest that the reader too is part of the neighbourhood: “so many neighbourhood cats/pad around us.” The ambiguity of “us” gives the reader space to imagine himself walking with the poet. The reader’s involvement is facilitated by the haiku’s clarity and simplicity so that she can comprehend the scene with the poet’s own immediacy.
The second of Alan’s two haiku is, in some sense, a mirror image of the first. While the first verse shows us the world around the poet, the second reveals the world inside him, “the threatened kingdom / of myself.” The phrase, from my standpoint, reflects modern haiku’s focus on the poet’s interiority. The fragment, “all feathers & typos,” is composed of images that are not necessarily drawn from the poet’s immediate sense impressions. It’s not as if the poet were in a bird sanctuary, typing. The images of the second verse could easily be drawn from memories of different times and places. Perhaps the poet has combined the images purposefully, like words in a sentence, to express personal symbolism.
Modern haiku and the classic tradition are alike in this sense: They invite the reader to piece the images together. In both of Alan’s poems, the fragment and the phrase contextualize each other. What light does “all feathers & typos” shed on “the threatened kingdom / of myself”? From my standpoint, the juxtaposition suggests that the threats to the self are not as great as the poet imagines --- that they amount to feathers and typos. The poet, with gentle humour, is chiding himself for his fears. Alan’s two verses demonstrate how images can be orchestrated to reflect the outer world or the inner world. In doing so, he demonstrates the differences between the traditional and the modern schools, as well as the continuity between them.
– Lev Hart, Co-Editor
haikuRatna - Editor's Pick
distant horizona dragon cloud watchesover the mountainsAdjei Agyei-Baah
long meetingmy diary fillswith senryuSrini
bitter grapefruit sweet memories of grandma
Timothy Daly
whispering waves . . .Chinese lanterns floatbetween the dunesKathleen Trocmet
mourning dovetoday, mother knowswho I amDebbie Strange
starsreflecting BuddhaBuddha reflecting starsRoberta Beach Jacobson
crescent earththe moon colonistwrites homePat Davis
porch glidergrandpaslowing downBarrie Levine
shiver of grasses the priest calls my name
Marilyn Ashbaugh
crabgrasson the garden's edge —trial separationKelly Sargent
winter raina duckling sleeps like you—head-tucked-underNeena Singh
plunging overthe cliff's edgea blue windMark Gilbert
traveling lighti carryyour ashesAlvin B. Cruz
field mousethe elliptical twistof the owl's headJay Friedenberg
the slow swellof a toad's throat...blink!Suraja Menon Roychowdhury
cuckoo's songin crescendo...the tigerthere, not hereAmoolya Kamalnath
one more timeover the reaped fieldssickle moonBryan Rickert
haikuPrakash - The Enlightenment
apple blossomthe sweet driftof Dad's memoryMarilyn Ward
waning moonthe perfume in his hairnot mineAdele Evershed
shopping centrea crying toddlersits on Santa's lapTuyet Van Do
lacewingher dreamfor her daughterAmita Paul
first snowflakes...my pot of basilfull of blossomsSteliana Voicu
treasure huntin the old cauldronautumn leavesAna Drobot
temple visit . . .memories of tamarind ricein both handsLakshmi Iyer
rain drops...the decision to end upwith an ellipsis...Suzanne Leaf-Brock
wildfire smokedrifting through the exhaust ventdove's cooMichelle V. Alkerton
holding his photomissingmyselfPeter Shipman
leaves fallupon the lake . . .lonelinessDaniela Misso
lost pacifierteaching my nephewto let goHassane Zemmouri
shhh... says my journey in a conch shell
Sharon Ferrante
grandmother'slast breath-forget-me-notNicoletta Ignatti
frosty night—a bowl of dog foodfor our foxRuth Holzer
anxietyfloating freelya rockRichard Bailly
light raina homeless man keepingthe park bench dryJoseph P. Wechselberger
cemetery walkerssometimes they talkto the livingRandy Brooks
visitingthis cold nightmy late teacherTimothy Daly
drops of sunlight ...leaping up the waterfallpink salmonChen-ou Liu
unhookingt h e a n k l e ther smileNalani De Silva
in the quietof my solitudesnowfallNatalia Kuznetsova
evening stroll...one-by-one the scentsof different dinnersTony Williams
autumn begins this one grackle morning
Bryan Rickert
snow-clad lakepine shadows growingtaller, shorterDebbie Strange
his last cigarette -the uncertaintyof the patio lightSimon De Courcey
finding myselfin a field of butterfliessurgeon's ceilingRoberta Beach Jacobson
cinnamon teawarming upto winterMarjolein Rotsteeg
refugee campthe sinner who dieda saintPat Davis
narrowing river...this smallnesswhen comparedNitu Yumnam
cocooned robeswith beads and prayersbodhi sunriseElliot Diamond
slow dawnthe hills awakensunbird by sunbirdRupa Anand
bamboo rake—last year's autumntangled in the tinesBarrie Levine
no mapi trust the sandunder my feetIsabella Mori
fleeing war tears swept dry wind river
Marilyn Ashbaugh
forest walkthe sibilant whispersof lost soulsMarilyn Humbert
dappled sunlightin the cuckoo's crymy beloved's nameArvinder Kaur
tall weedsan oriole nest fallenfrom the palmCynthia Anderson
northern mockingbirdat daybreak —her morning mantraKelly Sargent
the young are noisyharried parentsfluttering aboveJerome Berglund
unconsciousin my cloud boatI sailK. G. Munro
typo? this is my true porpoiseSusan Burch
yellowed leavesthe breeze flutterslight and shadeNeena Singh
December wind —mom's newBetty Davis voiceRobert Epstein
reopening the cabin...the mildew scentof miceAllison Douglas-Tourner
how to drawwind in the pines —art classMona Bedi
balanced on a pinupside downworldMark Gilbert
winter moonlickingthe river's skinGoran Gatalica
bitter morninga caged parrotbreaks the iceSue Courtney
ikebanathe way the windrearranges meBarbara Sabol
cottontailon the welcome matlooking for homeScott Wiggerman
a leaf on a streamthe traveling poetleaves no traceAlvin B. Cruz
giving one pause caesura
Peter Jastermsky
herbal tea—turning overa new leafShane Coppage
swirling autumn leafa spaniel watchesher ownerElla Aboutboul
back to the beginning a quiet christmas
Shizuku Tsukino
walking cane —father sweeps garbageoff mother's graveKumudini Mendis
Polariswhat kind of ancestorwill I be?Julie Schwerin
winter sunrisefrost sparkling on the furof fighting jackalsJudit Hollos
borderless birdsongLorelyn Arevalo
school play —amongst the noisy treesa quiet lionBaisali Chatterjee Dutt
after rain...the two friendsno longer friendsAmoolya Kamalnath
he grievesfor one who still breathesDominic Willis
crescent moonvanishes at dawnthe last dreamGiuliana Ravaglia
shivering in the bunkera child askswhat is warPadma Rajeswari
the outbreakof break-insat her placeKathabela Wilson
winter thaw...flower pots slowly fillwith starsSuraja Menon Roychowdhury
spotted butterfly ...counting these flawsin a changing meVani Sathyanarayan
winter rainthe niece paintsa still lifeMircea Moldovan
temple bellsthe forest stillresounds...Padmasiri Jayathilaka
haikuDrishti - The Observation
snow day -classroom learning goes downa slippery slopeBonnie J Scherer
mom's necklaceI tiptoe towardsthe starsStephanie Zepherelli
moving trainschool children wearinghi-vis jacketsTuyet Van Do
they appearthey disappear -shadowsAntonio Mangiameli
city rubblethe child wearsa welcome matDennis Andrew S. Aguinaldo
Christmas of yore...she shakes the snow globeto make a wishSteliana Voicu
an old vagrantchewing her roti . . .the waning moonSuraj Nanu
my ID scanning—the security agentnods his headSuzanne Leaf-Brock
doctor's office -a bitten applein every selfieAna Drobot
autumn in Gaza—leaves of grenaderustle in the windNket Godwin
winter eveningaroma of corn kernels popsour gigglesLakshmi Iyer
a black olivebetween my fingersautumn sunDaniela Misso
the child caressing a dandelionbee stingHassane Zemmouri
bumpy roadeven the moonis shakingSrini
so caressinghis smile...forest mossNicoletta Ignatti
the mound of snowbounds away—Arctic hareRuth Holzer
swashing...a riverfull of hornsShamik Banerjee
fishingthe S-curveof a flamingo's neckJoseph P. Wechselberger
feedingthe live birth guppiesher baby voiceRandy Brooks
blue afternoonthe wilted womanwaits for the busTimothy Daly
anniversary dinnerthe click, clickof our chopsticksChen-ou Liu
falling for you low-hanging lemons
Jackie Chou
slipping offher wrinkled kimono . . .the end of a long nightKathleen Trocmet
rain dropson the water hyacinthsafternoon teaSusan Farner
rusty cowbellnear a muddy fieldthe farmer's suicideDavid Roberts
winter weddingthe rushat carrot halwa stoveGovind Joshi
ant column...a dung beetlepauses its rollAdjei Agyei-Baah
bus stationa kid and I kicking feetout of timeTony Williams
trade windon the cruising boata rain of kapokChristina Chin
old underwearin the spin cycleautumn leavesJohn Hawkhead
origami cranesoffered to the river . . .a silent protestDebbie Strange
half a word -fingerprints onearly potterySimon De Courcey
with a tap from one war to the next
Roberta Beach Jacobson
half-moonmy wish to feelwhole againMarjolein Rotsteeg
life rushes by a series of stillsMargaret Walker
piano keysher crippled handshoveringPat Davis
poppies unfoldto the marinesafely homeElliot Diamond
in a boata freshly married couplebobbing up and downGuido De Pelsmaeker
family timesoup simmeringon the stoveSharon Martina
clothesline carouselgrandma spins her storiesout of thin airBarrie Levine
grief and reliefdragonflies chase each otheracross the waterMatt Robison
perfect pitchthe slant of sunthrough pinesJohn Pappas
zen pond by the intersection a thousand sunken swearwords
Isabella Mori
crooked cocktail hather tone sharpensas her husband nearsJoshua St. Claire
red grapevineon the old windowdawn sunAngiola Inglese
at the supermarketcheese out of reachof my four foot selfBernadette O'Reilly
patrolling the park perimeter a kookaburra
Marilyn Humbert
dad's death anniversaryI gather falling leavesin my shawlArvinder Kaur
maelstromin the tumbling bottleno love letterPris Campbell
street dogcarrying storm lightinto the shadowsJoanna Ashwell
night life mouse scat by the doormatCynthia Anderson
hearts on the wall -her little hands draw the 'v'then an 'm' on topGillena Cox
ebbing tide . . .kid puts the thumbback in the mouthAparna Pathak
moonlit glenthe shadowsof his half-truthsKelly Sargent
in the sidewalktrash and vegetationfill in the blanksJerome Berglund
tired mindbreaks as the snowpours againK.G. Munro
I throw a pebbletime ripplesto the other shoreMelissa Dennison
jagged glasswhat if I'm justunlovableSusan Burch
silver coinsin a tight fistgrandmother nightRobert Witmer
torn love lettershe walks overthe confettiNalini Shetty
winter paddysilhouettes still bentat day's endNeena Singh
straw flowersI pick up from the groundtoday's silenceGiuliana Ravaglia
past her bedtimemy niece wants to knowwhere fireflies sleepRobert Epstein
majestic stripesmove with stealththe huntersSue Wood
loss of memoriesthe road traveledfull of leavesCarmela Marino
west winds settleme next to the oleanderalight with beesLaurie Kuntz
the cricket thatdidn't exist ...flashlight blinkAllison Douglas-Tourner
she tries outher new bathing suitthe scent of salt airAnne Curran
squeezing outthe left-over toothpaste —relationship woesMona Bedi
into the fountainthe last leaf falls -too soft to break the sunDeborah A. Bennett
easela wash of yellowon the treesMike Gallagher
orange blossomsslow circling to landa swallowtailJharna Sanyal
the lost legal papers fog everywhere
Bidyutprabha Gantayat
cold moon —untrained fingersslicing a radishGenevieve S. Aguinaldo
red ants raceon the black fencesunriseRituraj Gogoi
medlar in bloom -the discreet piling upof leaves and leavesMaria Teresa Sisti
all the starsshimmering at onceblack starlingColette Kern
a raindropin my bucketa rainbowJan Stretch
gloomy porch...the gleam of rain dropson the clotheslineK. Ramesh
my mumfinishing my sentencefor meMark Gilbert
plop!the fish slippeda fisherman slippedTitilayo Matiku
primer -little boy scratchinghis headKrzysztof Kokot
soundlesslike a snailthis clockKalyanee Arandhara
deep autumn —a marmalade jar rottenwith baby teethGoran Gatalica
garden ponda willow scriptsmallard soundsRichard L Matta
first datethe bass tonesin his laughSue Courtney
evening mistthe becomingof a moonBhawana Rathore
first frostthe shrinking universeof the puddleFrancoise Maurice
monsoon showera frockless lass with plantain leafas headgearBipasha Majumder (De)
sweetgrass tipstowards the shadowed benchcome, sitBarbara Sabol
the miles we've drifted river flowScott Wiggerman
empty housethe shadesof EucalyptusPadma Rajeswari
the loved ones we leave crying cicadasAlvin B. Cruz
foxholeher telescope scansthe darknessLorraine Carey
cardiac wardthe irregular beatof my flip-flopsMarianne Paul
some touristspose for a picturewar protestsM. R. Defibaugh
shifting weathera cool wind spinsthe porch umbrellaEavonka Ettinger
eating snowthe sniper callshis rifle babyMyron Lysenko
holding her breath a child's last balloon
Peter Jastermsky
all we dois fight—troll farmShane Coppage
tiny rulerfrom Grandpa's pocketthe length of his smileKimberly Kuchar
tea with milkmom always wantedto knowElla Aboutboul
red leaves on a bare tree shadowShizuku Tsukino
sushi bar aquariumthe octopus and Iplotting our escapesMike Fainzilber
clattering rocksthe delicate danceof an ibexJay Friedenberg
fresh chrysanthemumsmy old mom's disheveled hairin the morningNazarena Rampini
at the dining tableof daughter's doll houseoh...! another motherKumuduni Mendis
silencesolitudestarsslippingawayJulie Schwerin
stretching outthe word patience . . .mountain streamC. X. Turner
rainy day -only one umbrella stopsby the forsythiaTomislav Maretic
mirrored seaa red-haired girl skipsthe tidelineRon C. Moss
war nightthe dreamcatcher's netheavy with moonbeamsJudit Hollos
morning foghungoverhangoverLorelyn Arevalo
winter chillgran exhalesall her summersBaisali Chatterjee Dutt
uninvited guestall the shrimps in the aquariumhiddenAmoolya Kamalnath
mancala -my parents sort medicinesinto pill boxesGordon Gearhart
the clinkin your glasssnow moonB. L. Bruce
haikuJyoti - The Third Eye
sun-bleached photosmy grandparents fadeinto each otherGordon Gearhart
winter evening still on the trail of the cowherd's cow
Amoolya Kamalnath
phantom painhe loves mehe loves me notLorelyn Arevalo
woodsmokedissipating spiralsof a double helixSuraja Menon Roychowdhury
fossilized footprintcoming back to meon the peakKathabela Wilson
change of tidea horseshoe crab's telsonflips over the sunJudit Hollos
moon-bleached wind this night becoming
Ron C. Moss
star gazingthe lingering scentof jasmineNaomi G. Tangonan
pilgrimageour local beggaralso on the trainTomislav Maretic
pulling it to the gravethe heavinessof a secretElizabeth Crocket
winter blizzardfeathers of rooksturn whiteMalgorzata Formanowska
half-empty Old Spicethe scentof his absent presenceBaisali Chatterjee Dutt
tree split—the longer nightsspent aloneC. X. Turner
riverdamgriefrepairingeachbreachJulie Schwerin
needle eyesmaller than it used to be?asks grandmaKumuduni Mendis
long pause -the breath of treesunder the snowNazarena Rampini
simmering magmathe viscosityof her angerJay Friedenberg
snail at the dojo gateit also followsthe WayMike Fainzilber
winter blueswave after waveof "we should've..."Shizuku Tsukino
hunter's moonfishing for biggerthan lifeElla Aboutboul
rockeries...where ducks were nestingwild violetsMaya Daneva
leaf pilegrandad and grandsonscatter the yearsKimberly Kuchar
until it isn't peaceShane Coppage
heated moments consulting a new dragon
Peter Jastermsky
the riseand fall of oligarchs...spring cleanMyron Lysenko
winter sunmosquito bitesstill not healedEavonka Ettinger
she lights the candle with the light from another prayer
M. R. Defibaugh
midnight doomscrollingthe deep spacebetween snowflakesMarianne Paul
flowering cactigrown-ups rememberprickly auntsLorraine Carey
fresh sushion mikawachi yakiblue bamboo forestRob McKinnon
letter from homeopening the jarsof spicesAlvin B. Cruz
white noisewings of egretsover the iceScott Wiggerman
the ceiling fan'srhythmic pulsemissyou missyou missyouBarbara Sabol
the endof a five-year war . . .cancer free
Valentina Ranaldi-Adams
everything far awayshines throughautumn mistAnna Maria Domburg-Sancristoforo
tentative snowfalldreams of festivityrise early for workDJ Tyrer
deep autumnthe black and white of magpiesshake the lightFrancoise Maurice
river soundthe 'I' in meslowly dissolvesBhawana Rathore
hoar frostthe way he rollshis RsSue Courtney
coming my wayromance and money...today's horoscopeWanda Amos
crackle of leavesone more broken veinin his outstretched handRichard L Matta
one familydivides the raysof the sunZvonko Jurcevic
ongoing war —my mouthfull of ashGoran Gatalica
night of firefliesI needto cheer upKalyanee Arandhara
Venus in the sky -a baby has finished sucklingmother's breastKrzysztof Kokot
between the rainbowand the childa dancing kitePadmasiri Jayathilaka
revisitinga lifetime of memoriesmonarch butterfliesDouglas J. Lanzo
rushing motionan egg rolls towardsthe precipiceMark Gilbert
fading evening light...the munia returns witha grass bladeK. Ramesh
unknown gravesiteovergrownJapanese mapleDiane Funston
relief in the silence of a sirenJan Stretch
time grows old -the autumn windnever the sameMaria Teresa Sisti
first lightfrom behind the pinesthe hens wakeB. L. Bruce
a butcher swats fliesmisses—maneki-nekoGenevieve S. Aguinaldo
eye donationlooking for momin herBidyutprabha Gantayat
toothless gumsthe smell of clovein gran's pillowJharna Sanyal
the bush shakesat the waterfront...morning gloryThomas Landgraf
no destinationnever lost -blackbirds in the fieldDeborah A. Bennett
refusingto lower my standardswriter's blockMona Bedi
would-be suitorwhispers sweet nothingsinto the breezeAnne Curran
sticks and bonesRaven's building pileAllison Douglas-Tourner
bullfinchesappear and disappearmountain ashWieslaw Karlinski
dogs howlat the rainbowcaught inside a squallLaurie Kuntz
stone moonthe shadow of a secretremains afloatCarmela Marino
ornate jewelslight the forest pathtoadstoolSue Wood
pink slip —I need the shelterof another pineRobert Epstein
tanabeta -the words never saidto the starsGiuliana Ravaglia
a shooting starwe wish for lovefortieth anniversaryNeena Singh
airstrikinga lullaby held backin a flashNalini Shetty
duston the windowsilla schoolboy writes her nameRobert Witmer
sinkingsunI guesswe arejustfriendsSusan Burch
winter flockthankfulfor the tree's welcomeMelissa Dennison
Santa Clauseats just one cookieinflationK.G. Munro
daddy long-legsand mama long-legs:power coupleJerome Berglund
warm sunshinesongs of yesteryearsoiling the earsHla Yin Mon
midwinter kissesin the drivewaybreath on breathKelly Sargent
trial separationhis handwritingbegins to slantAparna Pathak
the dendrobiumloses another flowerautumn chillAlfred Booth
howlingwithout a moonbulldog windCynthia Anderson
retirement home-grandmother takes careof one's appearanceAngela Giordano
broken sailscast adriftwithout youJoanna Ashwell
slumber partymy dead friends once dreamedof endless futuresPris Campbell
kohl smudgesa lonely smoke cloudnear the crescentArvinder Kaur
shadows lengthenthe gaggle of school kidsemerge into sunshineMarilyn Humbert
clouds...the clarityin the skyAngiola Inglese
object permanencemy son doodleshis uncle's wheelchairJoshua St. Claire
stirring matcha sea gulls circle in my bowl
Marilyn Ashbaugh
your voice in my head . . .as swallowsfly southSarah Das Gupta
clouded saffronshe pulls her sariout of the puddleIsabella Mori
crowby crownight fallsJohn Pappas
on a pink post-iton the refrigeratorhis death poemMark Meyer
the moonthrough willow leavesone leopard frogMatt Robison
harvest fairthe chestnut cart returnswith my childhoodBarrie Levine
second summer followed by a semicolon
Sharon Martina
grandpa uncorksa bottle of wine -the plopGuido De Pelsmaeker
with each turnof a prayer beadhopeRupa Anand
to where the dove can flyElliot Diamond
custard apple seedsclose yet distantroots of familyNitu Yumnam
when no one remembers when
Margaret Walker
the country lanecrosseswar cemeteriesMarjolein Rotsteeg
feeling the drips watercolor skyRoberta Beach Jacobson
prognosis in print -his annual walkto the headlandSimon De Courcey
hydroponic gardenevery strawberrya lanternDebbie Strange
working through griefso many shades of blackin crow feathersJohn Hawkhead
Decemberice thick enoughto slide this stoneBryan Rickert